We understand that trade customers sometimes find it difficult to source suitable products for the mobility bathing market so we are always on hand to offer recommendations and specification advice.

If the products you do find are new and unfamiliar to you, our team have an in-depth knowledge of our extensive product range, allowing them to make recommendations based upon your customer’s specific needs and specification.

Absolute Mobility can offer trade customers advice, service and competitive pricing to ensure you are able to aid your clients’ decision making and source the product at the keenest price. When working with Absolute Mobility, you will only be supplied with high quality products made by leading manufacturers. As an independent company, we have no preference or affiliation to one particular product and so you can rest assured the advice and product recommendations we make are the most suited to your customer and their individual needs.

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These guys are great - super friendly with a fast turnaround and a great looking floor to match! So happy I chose them, thanks again!

Hannah Clements – Musion 3D